12/10/2024 Uplink Community AMA
Summary of Discord AMA, December 10th, 2024.
Uplink participants:
Claudia Olah, CMO
Carlos Lei, CEO
Mike Post, Community Manager
Thank you to all of the community members who attended!
[AMA begins]
Mike: Welcome, everybody to another Uplink community AMA! Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, depending on where you are in the world. Before we get rolling, I just want to thank the community, thank you to everybody who’s been with us as we continue to build – and particularly to our community moderators and ambassadors for all of your help in keeping the community running and spreading the word about Uplink. We definitely couldn't do it without you! So without further ado, it’s once again my pleasure to introduce Uplink CEO Carlos Lei and CMO Claudia Olah. Let's just have a couple of quick introductions here. Carlos, why don't you get us started?
Carlos: Absolutely. Hi, everyone! Great to see you all. For those who don't know me and haven't been at one of our AMAs before, my name is Carlos Lei. I'm one of the founders of Uplink and I'm very excited to be here, like always.
Claudia: Hi! As you guys know, I'm the CMO at Uplink. I joined the company earlier this year, and we've done a lot already in 2024. And so we're excited to have our last AMA of 2024 with you guys. To quickly summarize my background, I’ve been in Web3 since 2018, a period during which I lived first in Shanghai and then the US and now Portugal. I'm very excited to have this AMA with you guys!
Mike: Everyone, please feel free to drop additional questions in the chat. Thank you to everybody who submitted questions ahead of time, and we’re very sorry if we're not able to get to all of the questions. If we aren’t, we will try to answer all of them afterward. Note that there are some questions we might not be able to answer at this time. Moving on: Claudia and Carlos, let’s begin with a recap of the latest ecosystem developments.
Carlos: I’ll start! This is the last AMA we’ll have this year, and I want to share with everyone what this year was for us. This year was quite important. Last year was when we actually started; we fundraised in 2022, and we were developing the technology in 2023. This year we had a lot of big things to prove. Our goal for this year was basically three things. One, to prove that we can build supply, and that was what we did by launching pre-registration. A lot of you guys joined! We really appreciate this. Basically we proved to ourselves and to the world that yeah, people are willing to share connectivity as part of this ecosystem. The second thing we wanted to prove was that there's also demand for this connectivity, and I'm very happy to announce that though it's still not public, we closed a global deal with a major Fortune 500 company. It's already working. They're already using our networks, and early next year we're going to announce this. We're very excited about this, and it's just the beginning. And we have a lot of other companies in the pipeline. It's really starting to ramp up. So we proved that as well. We proved the supply, we proved the demand.
The third thing we wanted to do is to prove that we can also build meaningful relationships in the ecosystem. So we were trying to find partners, we were trying to find L1s that we could work with, and we actually spent almost a year evaluating a lot of them. And I'm happy to announce that we closed a partnership with Avalanche. We have a really good relationship with them. We’re building our own L1 on Avalanche, and it's just been great. And besides this – though it's also still not official – Avalanche also became an investor in Uplink. We are really, really happy about this relationship.
So this year was a success in all three areas, and in others as well! Tech developed, community engaged, routers pre-registered, a major partnership sealed with Avalanche, and a global deal with a major customer that I cannot wait to share. Things are working. 2024 was a happy year for Uplink.
Claudia: We've been talking about this deal with a Fortune 500 company for awhile, but this is the first time we’ve shared that it’s a global deal. It’s been a journey of working with them and proving that the whole ecosystem works. Because of the community, we've been able to prove supply as well.
Carlos: Like I said, there are a lot more in the pipeline as well! There's also a bunch of telecom companies ready to do network offloading. Now that we’ve gone through the process of going global with one, we can just copy paste that recipe to everyone else. So yeah, we’re very excited.
Claudia: Do you want to go into depth a little bit too, Carlos, on why we chose Avalanche and what our plans are? Is that the main blockchain that we're going to be using?
Carlos: What we're building is a decentralized physical infrastructure (DePIN) network. We’re well on our way to building it, this decentralized connectivity network. And for us, at the end of the day, we just want it to work. We have customers on one side, companies that want to tap into it on the other side, and people like you guys who prove that they're willing to provide connectivity. In order for this system to work, it needs to incorporate the blockchain. We know a lot about connectivity. In the beginning, we were thinking that it doesn't make sense to build our own chain. So we start looking to the market and to what's out there. So we basically had three main things that we evaluated. One, obviously, was TPS. Another was the uptime of the network itself.
The third one was the people: the community, the team, et cetera. We looked at a lot of different blockchains. We talked with a bunch of different projects. Avalanche for us was just a no-brainer in all three areas: TPS, uptime, and team and community. Absolutely incredible, actually. If I remember correctly, 60% of the people that got their airdrops are still staking on the network, which is absolutely amazing. All these things were quite important – but when we started looking at the system and what we want to build, what they can provide, it's just a no brainer.
First, it's very secure and it gives us transparency on the multilateral contracts. These are the contracts basically between the companies that are consuming the connectivity and the people who are providing that connectivity. It's completely multilateral, meaning that someone providing connectivity can do that for many other companies that are consuming that connectivity. Second, it allows us to basically build a private on-chain execution for our enterprise partners. Very cool. A few customers, and we have this already, they asked us, Hey, we want this to be private, we don't want our numbers to be flowing around. Avalanche allows us this. We're very excited about the update they're about to do. I think it's next week, and it’s basically going to make sure that it's going to make the cost on the network much cheaper. Their cross-chain compatibility is also amazing. We're really excited about the technology, about all that they've been building and also what's about to come with this new update. It's amazing. The network is fast, it's reliable, it's going to become very cheap. The fact that it's decentralized validators is absolutely amazing. So we're very happy.
Claudia: Long-term, it’s the perfect foundation-starter blockchain for us, because we see Avalanche as the blockchain where we're starting everything, but we will progress and bridge to other blockchains later down the line. We ultimately won’t be Avalanche-only. We're going to add more blockchains and more ecosystems as we go. But we’re very excited to be starting off with Avalanche.
Carlos: I think most people are still unaware of what a permissionless L1 is. What that basically means is that we have our own L1 and you can validate not only for ours, but actually for the other L1s in the Avalanche ecosystem as well. And the scalability that gives us is amazing. I’m very bullish on Avalanche.
Claudia: Yeah, I'm very excited about this as well. I'm very excited to be part of their team. We’ll have an a MA with them later on in which we can go into more detail. So that's the ecosystem news. Everything that Carlos just mentioned is news that's going out later this week. We just wanted to give you guys an early heads up on everything that's going on, because we always want to give you guys a heads up before news is given a wider release! Thank you so much for being here. Let’s move on to talking about Surge.
Mike: Sounds good!
Claudia: As many of you know, we recently launched Surge on the platform. Surge takes place where we need more connectivity in a certain location based on businesses that we're working with. So this can either be done by deploying new routers into these locations or by taking the existing routers that aren't on our network already and having them activate in those locations. Right now, it’s like, Hey, activate in this area and you are considered part of Surge, and even the existing routers, we're giving you an early benefit of, hey, we just launched in Buenos Aires and we had roughly a thousand users and Buenos Aires and we were able to give all thousand of those users 10,000 XP just for being in the area.
So right now we're in the first phase of Surge and we still have the Bueno Aires surge activated. So what you can do is take your referral code to people in the area and say, Hey, can you register for this platform and just put in the location of your router? Once the app is released, they validate that network connection and you get 20% of those 10,000 points, plus 20% of any points that they earn later on. So it’s a real points booster for everyone involved. And we’re planning on launching Surge in many more locations as time goes on based on specific needs.
Just to reiterate, you can still participate if you don’t live in a Surge area by sending your referral link to someone who’s in that area.
Carlos: Surge is actually a very important thing of the system we're building because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter that everyone in the world is providing connectivity if there's also no one consuming it, but at the same time, it doesn't matter if we have people and companies wanting to consume data if there's no one there to provide it. Surge comes in here to fix the second of those where necessary. There are already a few companies telling us, Hey, we want to start consuming data in these locations soon, but we still don't have that supply there. So what we do with Surge is that we can estimate how much data is going to be consumed and we can create this incentive mechanism for the people who are there. So Surge is really important. We actually have a lot of regions in which we intend to launch Surge in the future. We're going to do it gradually.
Claudia: I think there are 30 or 40 locations on that list right now. We are slowly rolling them out. So what we're trying to do right now with Surge is to service one Surge location and then move to another. So as soon as we get the internal numbers that we're trying to hit, we will move to a different location. So it's going to be a first come, first served kind of basis. And it will include existing pre-registered routers only at this particular stage, because later on, when Surge is integrated on-chain and we’ve launched a token, when this is all part of our entire dual economic ecosystem, existing routers aren’t going to be included in Surge – the idea is to generate additional connectivity, and those existing routers will already be providing connectivity and the entrepreneurs will pay for it. So after the network is fully launched, Surge will be for new deployments only. But for now, you can earn the points by being already registered!
Carlos: Let's say one of these companies told us that they want connectivity in a particular city – for example, Buenos Aires. Because we’ll have already targeted that city with Surge, there will already be thousands of routers providing connectivity. So we could basically start working with that company 24 hours after the project goes live and after TGE. That's our intention with Surge. We don't want to wait on business development until after TGE. We are already working on it. We really are very traction-focused. Thank you to everyone who’s participated in the first Surge event! Like Claudia said, even if you’re not in a Surge area, you can participate by sending your referral link to people who live there. At the end of the day, the goal is to spread the word and convince people to join the network. And there are more cool things coming out which are going to help everyone to be involved in different ways. Speaking of that: Claudia, how about we move on to talking about developments on the points platform?
Claudia: The release of the app has been delayed by a bit. This is partially because were focused on Surge and building partnerships while simultaneously building the app. But as anyone knows, apps take time, especially in terms of approval by the app stores. So we're in the middle of all of that, but we plan on having the first version of the app released early next year. That aside, we're actually going to have a lot more missions on the points platform. We’ve sent X linking live, and we’re going to have specific social missions. Early on in January, we're going to have some partnerships with other companies that we're working with.
First, for example, might be something like Avalanche, where people within that ecosystem can actually join and do things within that platform or share content that's related to them and they can actually directly points in our ecosystem as well. We’ll have some community events where we'll be directly giving points to certain community members. If we have certain ambassadors that are doing exceptionally well, for example, we're going to give a little Christmas gift. Or if we see community members who are creating really good Uplink content, for example – I've seen a lot of you guys creating how-to videos and helping to promote the platform. So stay tuned! We’re continuously improving the platform. But the first thing is going to be social missions, and those are going to happen before Christmas. And then January is going to be huge. We can't really talk too much about the app, because we want to make sure that everything's working properly before we really share more. But it's very exciting. And the second that people are validating their routers using the app, that's when the real points come in. Referral points haven’t gone live yet, but they will begin to roll in once your referrals validate their routers. Once that happens, you’ll begin earning 20% of the points your referrals earn on the platform, plus 10% of points from any people they refer, plus 5% of the points from any people your referrals’ referrals refer! But in the interests of fairness, we’ve got to wait until the routers are actually validated before we can give those points, and that requires the app.
Carlos: Finishing the app has taken a bit longer than we thought. Not just the planned development process itself, but also the approval process on the app store, and features that we decided to add in later in the development process. So yeah, this was a lesson learned. We basically are one month delayed on the app launch, but it also looks much better than what it was before. And Apple doesn't make this easy. Apple’s app approval process takes awhile.
Claudia: Yeah, they don't make it easy. That's been the case for a while now. And we decided to add more cool things to the app while we wait. It’s going to be really awesome. I can't wait to share it with everybody. We just didn't want it to be an extension. And people get on the app and they're like, eh. We want it to be fun, to be something that people actually enjoy using. Connectivity in a gamified way.
Carlos: Something else I’d like to talk about: on Thursday, me, Claudia, and Justin Fiddes from Avalanche will be on a live AMA with BeinCrypto. I think Justin is amazing. If you guys don't know Justin, you should check him out. He's one of the smartest people I've met. The AMA is going to be about our relationship with Avalanche. I think it's a great opportunity for everyone not only to hear a bit more about Avalanche, but also to hear about why they chose to partner with us and invest in us. I told you our reasons. Because I gave you our reasons. I think it's time for you to listen to their reasons and why they invested in us. So it’ll be interesting! Avalanche is launching a few awesome things in the next few weeks, such as the big update coming next week. So check out the AMA!
Claudia: We're actually the first DePIN project that Avalanche is launching on their platform. We're going to go more in depth on that on Thursday, on why they chose us and why we chose them. We're going to do a follow-up interview after the press release goes out with BeInCrypto on their Telegram channel. If you can’t make it, you’ll be able to find a transcript of the conversation next week. But anyway, we’re very excited to start actually talking more in depth about why we're building on Avalanche and getting involved in their ecosystem. And this is a long time coming. We started building this community before sharing this partnership because we wanted to develop the initial community ourselves and not piggyback on anyone. We wanted to add Avalanche as support in that process rather than to have Avalanche be our key to success. I’m thrilled with the community that we've gotten just from being ourselves! Thank you all so much. And now we get to add on with that with the partnerships that we have lined up. That’ll start with Avalanche, and then we have the big Fortune 500 company release that we can talk about next year alongside the app and everything else.
Carlos: For sure. Hey, Claudia, we’re about 30 minutes into our 60 minutes for this AMA now. Let’s get to answering some questions.
Claudia: Let’s first address a question I saw in the chat: “Did I hear Fortune 500?” Yeah, we were talking about a Fortune 500 company! In case you just connected, we were talking about the Fortune 500 company that we landed a global deal with.
Carlos: We're already working with them. There's already money flowing, there's already data being provided. It's just not public yet. And we were doing this in one country already. It's scaled now. It's global. We haven't announced it, but stay tuned!
Claudia: There's a lot that goes into partnering with Fortune 500 from a marketing perspective. There's a lot that goes into aligning everything with them. We've had this deal signed for a while now. And now it's a whole global deal. So we're very excited about this, as I'm sure all of you guys are too. And we'll be able to officially announce it next year. We won’t be announcing it on Thursday, but we will be announcing it very soon in 2025.
Mike: The first question: “What can we do to earn more points now?” Claudia, you already expanded on this at length, but I want to add a little bit to it as well. We know we've been slow-rolling a bit with development of the points platform. We want to just make sure that everything is completely ready before we add a new feature. But to second what Claudia has already said, you guys are here at a great time to earn points because you have access to referral points. You're not seeing those quite yet because we need to make sure first that those routers are validated, which will become available once the app is released, but just continuing to make those referrals with your referral link is going to give you a huge head start over others later on in terms of your ability to earn points. Claudia, anything you'd like to add to that?
Claudia: Not really! Essentially, we're trying to get as many users and routers into the platform as humanly possible. One of the best ways is through referrals by community members, and the best way to earn points right now is through your referral code and sharing that with your friends and your family and your network. We’re going to release a blog next week that describes the best practices that we've gotten from our community as well. So far, we've seen a lot of people do how-to blogs or how-to videos or even just reaching out to people at companies. I've come across a lot of people that have router companies since working at Uplink. They're like, oh my gosh, I didn't realize how much of a big business this really was for router providers. Getting those types of people to come onto the platform through your referral link is a particularly great way for you to earn a lot of points once the app is released.
As I said, we’re also going to begin dropping points directly to community members who distinguish themselves on social media and by creating content. And our social tasks will also be ready on the platform soon.
Mike: Let's move on to a couple of roadmap questions. Number one concerns the ability of community members to be involved in additional ways later on as validators, verifiers and so on. Just to note, we go over this a bit in our Litepaper. You can find it at https://litepaper.uplink.xyz. Number two: what can you tell us about the development of the app?
Carlos: As we said before, the app was supposed to be coming now. Now we’ve had a few delays. It was more complicated than we thought. We’ve continued to make improvements. Even the version that is going to be released soon, it's no longer like the V1 that we had expected. It's already like V2.5, because it just keeps on evolving. We intend to launch it by early next year, in January or potentially early February. It depends on the app stores. The Apple app store in particular can take awhile.
Claudia: The real delay here is the app store, and we have an internal date for the app. We just don't want to promise this date because we've been pushed back a few times on both app stores. We don't want to release something on Android and then release it months later on iOS. We want to make sure that they’re released close together. Our core community members, in particular our ambassadors, will get a first version of the app to test out a few features with us. We’ll definitely be looking to the community for feedback across the life of the app. You guys have already given us plenty of feedback on the Explorer and the Portal. Thank you so much for being part of this beta version and beta phase with us. Your feedback has been super helpful to us as we try to optimize the user experience for you.
Mike: Yeah, absolutely. And please continue to provide any feedback you have about how you think we can improve the coverage map and the points platform both now and into the future! We love to hear your feedback and your ideas. It lets us give you the best version of this that we can. Let’s move on to another question: what can you tell us about a potential TGE?
Carlos: We intend to hold the TGE next year. Our current goal is early Q2. There are a lot of things we need to do between now and then – and we really need your support because at the end of the day, this will not make sense without you guys, without the community!
We're going to be launching this token not only because we want to launch a token, but because we need it for the system that we're building, for the customers that we have that are asking to connect their systems. We need this as a means of exchange. So we need to make sure that everything is right before we hold the TGE.
Mike: Let's move on to a couple of tech questions. First, what is the purpose of creating our layer one on Avalanche?
Carlos: We had a lot of options. We had the option of using other L1s, but we decided to create our own. It really makes sense for us to have a permissionless L1 in the sense that the service itself is actually cheaper and more scalable, and this is an extraordinary thing that building on Avalanche allows. Also, Avalanche also allows us to have private chains, and that's very important for some of the enterprises we’re working with. So that's my quick answer. I know I already answered a few of these things before, so that's my quick answer for now.
Claudia: This is random, but I love seeing the Uplink stickers.
Mike: They are really cool, for sure! If any of you want to make Uplink-related stickers or emojis, send them to me and I’ll get them added! We love to see these community creations.
Carlos: Yeah. Thank you guys. I love them all.
Claudia: Yeah, me too.
Mike: Next question: what qualities make Uplink different from our competitors?
Carlos: First of all, I want to start by saying the fact that though there are other DeWi projects, they aren’t necessarily out competitors. There are DeWi projects like Helium out there, XNET, and so on, and I really like some of these projects. I think without them, people wouldn't know DeWi that well at this point.
Uplink is decentralizing connectivity, but we want to do it in a way that’s easy. We don't want you to have to buy new hardware. We want to use what's already out there. We need a lot of connectivity volume, and using existing infrastructure creates the potential to have more supply. And in a lot of the places that require connectivity, that infrastructure will already be there.
Many of these places are even public places like malls and coffee shops, et cetera, where there's a lot of traffic. Why would someone want to invest in new hardware for us? We can basically just tap into something that already exists. We really want to decentralize connectivity; we want to become what's called a network orchestrator. So at the end of the day, it doesn't even matter for us what the infrastructure being used is. Right now it's your routers, but if tomorrow we can partner with one of these companies, we're more than willing to do so, and we can use their infrastructure as well.
I've been speaking with a lot of investors lately as well, and there's a lot of interest in what we're doing. Really, if we analyze the other projects in the DeWi space, the roadmaps, where we’re going, what we have, the fact that we're very B2B as well, the fact that we've been in this space for such a long time, I stopped seeing competitors. There are other projects in DeWi, but they're doing their own thing and we're doing ours. There's a few other great projects. But they’re very different projects. We want you guys to join the network with the routers that you already have in places where we actually have real demand for traction. And we will start there and we will scale from there. It’s much easier, and we already have real value flowing, which is I think is another big difference from other projects in the sphere.
Claudia: The way I’d describe it in a really short summary is that we kind of do a little bit of everything that everyone else is doing, but it's all centered around telecommunication and providing internet access anywhere. Mike, what's the next question?
Mike: We got a couple of community-related questions. I’ll handle these! Number one regards what we can share about the reward for the Galxe forge quest. First off, thanks so much to everyone who participated! We’ll be announcing the next step in the forge quest within the week. Stay tuned to the announcements channel.
Number two regards when Uplink is planning on adding more ambassadors and what we’re looking for in candidates right now. We're slowly adding ambassadors at this point. Our vision for the program is to build it sustainably, really establishing a foundation and adding more and more ambassadors as we get to successive stages of the project. If you've applied, your application will always continue to be considered. You don't need to apply again. And what we're really looking for right now is content creators. It's really great if you have content creation skills. it could be creating videos or creating graphics. Or that can be just writing. It’s always great to get blogs out there just to help people in different areas of the world learn how to pre-register on Uplink, for example, and on the benefits of being part of the ecosystem and so on. You don't have to have a huge Twitter following to be an ambassador. Just being active and supporting in the community is great, too.
To improve your chances of being selected for future ambassador cohorts, just post Uplink content if you have any. Post it in the community content channel, and link us to your posts on socials. Be active on Discord – we'll always give some preference to people who are active in the community. We will hopefully be announcing some new ambassadors soon, and we'll continue to add the program over time. Thank you so much to everybody who's been in contact with us with your interest in joining. It really means a lot to us, and we'll keep you in mind.
Claudia: If you guys do have someone who is a KOL and wants to be an ambassador, we can give you guys referral points for bringing that ambassador in. Our ambassadors are going to make some of the most points on our platform because they’re helping to build and manage our initial community. So if you guys have people whom you know who are interested and whom you believe to be a good fit, please have them apply, get them your referral link and have them sign up for the platform. I promise you Mike goes through every single application, and we’ve had what, 600 or 700 of them at this point?
Mike: It’s great. It's wonderful to look through the applications and see all these diverse backgrounds and see everybody talk about what they're interested in contributing to the ecosystem. And that so many of you are interested in being part of the program is awesome.
Claudia: And I know it's an extensive application. We made it ourselves, but it really does help us get to know you better. We really do read through every one of your answers and responses. As Mike said, thank you so much to everyone who has applied. We’re planning on adding more ambassadors very soon. And we’ll add them in larger numbers as we reach future project milestones.
Mike: So here's a final question that I'm going to ask each of you off the cuff: what are each of you most excited for Uplink in 2025?
Claudia: Oh, I can only choose one thing.
Mike: No, you can choose as many things as you'd like that you can fit within an answer that's less than the five minutes we have left!
Claudia: I'm excited. I've got five minutes. Okay. Honestly, I'm excited for the entire year. Everything that we've been doing in 2024 has been leading to what is going to be happening in 2025. We have the ability to make major changes when it comes to improving access to connectivity. So I don't know! There’s so much. The app definitely is the first thing – I’m very excited for the community to get access to the app! But I don't know, I can't really choose just one thing!
Carlos: For me, it’s kind of the same thing. There’s so much to look forward to. When I think about 2025, it's not even a thing, it's a feeling. I have a feeling of being unchained because for the past few years we've been working on this. We've been developing, testing, and validating, we went through the cybersecurity due diligence, we deployed, and we’re still waiting to make a lot of it public! We've built it, and now we're getting to a point where we can finally publicly launch this. I cannot wait for that. I cannot wait to be able to just communicate everything we've done, everything we're doing. And also to onboard all of these other companies that have been talking with us and also all of us as people, as providers.
I just cannot wait to see this go live. I'm tired of talking the talk; I want to finally walk the walk! I just want to show what we’ve built, and that it’s here and it’s automatic and it’s open. Everyone can join. People will want to be part of it as long as they understand what is going on. And I think a lot of our work will be trying to teach the world about what Uplink is. It's simple to use, and what we’re doing is literally building the future of connectivity. It's literally the direction the telecommunication industry is going. We believe we can be the first and the biggest one doing it.
Claudia: I would be shocked if it wasn't us, just because of how much we’ve prepared. I mean, I know I'm biased, but we've prepared so much. I just think of this analogy of hauling this whole package all the way up a huge hill, and we've gotten to the summit of that hill, and now 2025 is just going to be skiing or snowboarding down the hill! It’s going to be very fast.
Carlos: For sure. It's going to be an amazing year. Also, when we look into the markets, we're on this bull run. It's like the stars are aligning. So I'm very happy. But again, we need people to join in order to make this work. This is a decentralized network, so we need to actually decentralize it. We need to keep building and nurturing the community. We need to have more routers providing connectivity, especially in the areas with Surge. And we want to hear all of the feedback, input, and ideas the community can give us, so that we can make the platform the best it can be. What we’re focusing on right now is to grow the network by preregistering routers for when the network goes live. If you have ideas to help us better achieve that, or if you want to be part of it, just come speak to us! A lot of you already have, and we’re very grateful. Thank you.
Claudia: Thank you guys so much. I think we're out of time. We’ll see you all in 2025!
Carlos: I'm also excited for events next year! I want to meet a lot of you in person. That'd be cool.
Mike: Yeah, that would be wonderful! Alright, we’re at an hour here just about on the dot. Thank you, Carlos. Thank you, Claudia. And thank you to everybody who came to join us here today. If you have further questions, you can always ask us in chat or contact me by DM. If you ever have feedback, ideas, concerns, or anything else, please get in touch. Either open a ticket or DM me. I'm here to answer your questions and answer your concerns, and like I've said, we'd love to hear any ideas you have on how we can improve the community experience and the user experience. We will see you at the next AMA in 2025! Happy holidays.
Carlos: Thank you everyone. Happy holidays. Let's get back to work! [Session Ends]
Last updated